Kuril Islands

The Edge of the World.

Happy Friday! This is Adventure Fix, the weekly email that takes you takes you to far-off places that are full of surprises and wonder.

Here’s our digital exploration lineup for today: Kuril Islands.




Kuril Islands: The edge of the world

Photo: Expedition Studios

A journey to the Kuril Islands will take you to the most dramatic reaches of the Pacific and the oceanic Ring of Fire in the Russian Far East.

Here, mighty volcanoes (mostly only half-asleep), cast their magnificent shadows across bizarre and beautiful landscapes.

From the pristine beaches of Iturup to the rugged cliffs of Kunashir, the Kuril Islands showcase a diverse range of natural wonders.

See whales rising from the depths of the Pacific Ocean, brown bears hunting for salmon, Arctic foxes hiding among flowering bushes, and rare species of birds soaring through the sky all the way to the horizon.

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